Every new 911 that comes out has to face up to the stiffest competition - the 911 that came before it. This is true of all of the greats. Face up to the best you've ever been - and be better. CW: David Dejong AD: Rick Standley
Sometimes on Porsche the job is to just protect the best ideas. These two were great. And I did my best not to let them get damaged along the way. CW: John Doessel AD: John McKenzie
Porsche only makes sportscars. Even the SUVs are sports cars. And as the biggest, the Cayenne is the world's most shareable sportscar. So we wanted to do something that could only really be done with more than one person - karaoke. We sent James Corden and Adam Levine to the track in a Cayenne. And people loved it. (Even the cop who pulled them over)

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