This is the one that started it all. The very first "Find your beach" spot. Corona had a problem. People were taking our commercials literally, and only drinking Corona on sunny days by a body of water. So we started selling the magic in the bottle - its ability to take you to your own personal happy place. Your beach. After much lobbying, cajoling and persuading, the idea for the new positioning was sold. And Corona's business has never been the same. 
We did such a great job selling the Corona bottle, people didn't want to buy the can. So we launched the can with its own beach-adjacent world. And reminded people that the same Corona magic from the bottle was in the can, too.
Every time it's too nice out to be a work day. Every time the weekend includes Monday. Every time you hit pause. There are millions of reasons a Corona gets its lime. Here are a few. 

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